“From Struggles to Snuggles: The Heartwarming Story of Mochi the Munchkin Cat and Her Second Chance at Life and Love”

Mochi is a delightful feline that originally came from China and was brought to the United States. Unfortunately, she suffers from ischemic dermatopathy, a condition that has caused deterioration in some parts of her body, including her ears, tail, and right hind leg. When her previous owners relocated to Boston, they could not manage her severe health problems, and so, she was taken in by MSPCA-Angell, a reputable rescue shelter. Despite her missing body parts and ongoing health struggles, Mochi found a loving home with Greg and Natalia, who have a deep appreciation for animals. Although both grew up around pets, Mochi is their first animal companion, and they have warmly embraced her despite her physical challenges.

If you’re interested in learning more about Mochi, you can follow her on Instagram and TikTok.

Greg McDougall, the current owner of Mochi, shared with Bored Panda some details about the rescued cat’s past. Mochi was born as a munchkin cat in China and was later bought by a family in Boston. Unfortunately, she soon developed a rare illness that caused necrosis, which prompted her previous owners to surrender her to MSPCA-Angell, a rescue shelter. Tragically, Mochi’s condition had progressed significantly, and as a result, the doctors had to amputate one of her hind legs, both ears, and her tail. On top of that, she also caught ringworm.

The individuals who had previously owned the furry animal made the decision to relinquish her and handed her over to MSPCA-Angell, a well-known rescue shelter recognized for their expertise in offering all-encompassing attention.

Mochi, a furry friend we adopted, was under the care of shelter doctors for two months before making a full recovery. Despite being isolated during her recovery, she was finally listed for adoption at the shelter. Fortunately, my animal-loving fiancée Natalia spotted her listing and applied to adopt her. The next day, we were overjoyed to receive news that we were chosen to be Mochi’s new owners. Although I tried to remain composed and suggested meeting her first, our visit to the shelter the following day instantly won our hearts over. Mochi has been with us for just over two months now since January 22nd, 2023. Unfortunately, Mochi’s condition was so severe that the doctors had to amputate one of her hind legs, both ears, and her tail.

For a period of two months, the medical professionals at the shelter provided her with care while she stayed in isolation.

Upon discovering Mochi’s background, we became intrigued about her demeanor and daily routine in her new home. According to Greg, Mochi is an incredibly charming and lively feline who revels in playing games such as hide-and-seek around the house. She vocalizes with a range of meows, chirps, and squeaks to express herself. Mochi is also quite affectionate and loves receiving belly rubs, head scratches, and sleeping on Natalia’s head at night. She craves attention and enjoys meeting new people, exhibiting no fear as she explores her surroundings with curiosity. Clearly, Mochi has brought Greg and Natalia much joy and love since her adoption, making it one of their best decisions ever.

Once the shelter had provided her with the needed attention, they opted to make her available for adoption.

When questioned about Mochi’s health, Greg expressed optimism that she would have a long and happy life. However, they need to be cautious due to certain factors. For instance, Mochi cannot receive vaccines because her initial illness may have been caused by a reaction to it. Additionally, her weight needs to be monitored as she only has three legs instead of four. When they adopted her, Mochi weighed just under 2.5 pounds, but now she weighs over four pounds due to her big appetite. They also need to be careful when cleaning debris out of the remaining part of her ears. Despite these precautions, Mochi is healthy and full of energy, which was confirmed in her recent veterinary appointment. Natalia and Greg immediately applied to adopt Mochi when they saw her listing.

The following day, the shelter contacted them with great news – Mochi had been chosen to have a new home.

We became interested when we first heard the charming name “Mochi” and inquired about its origins. As per her owners, they named her after the delightful Japanese confectionery because of her resemblance to a vanilla mochi ice cream ball. However, some have likened her to various other creatures such as an owl, seal, otter, cloud, potato, and ferret. Nevertheless, everyone agrees that she is breathtakingly beautiful. The couple who met Mochi the next day were immediately captivated by her and fell in love with her.

We were interested in learning how Mochi’s health problems affected her daily routine, so we reached out to Greg to get some insight. He mentioned that they try to maintain a calm and stress-free environment for Mochi to prevent any autoimmune reactions. Although she isn’t allowed outside, she has free roam of their home and usually sleeps with Greg and his partner or in a small cat bed nearby. Surprisingly, Mochi doesn’t make much noise at night. In the morning after breakfast is when Mochi has the most energy, so they typically spend some time playing with her. When Mochi wants to play, she meows and tries to initiate a game of hide-and-seek. Despite her health issues, Mochi is an adorable and lively cat who enjoys playing games around the house.

During a conversation with Greg about his pet, he mentioned how his furry friend enjoys playing games. Whenever someone tries to approach her, she runs away and hides behind a corner, peeking out to see if they’re following her. If they chase after her, she repeats this behavior until she gets tired and flops down on her back for belly rubs. She loves it when people scratch her head and lick their hands, and she can roam anywhere inside the house. Her favorite activity is chasing a laser pointer and running up and down the stairs as fast as she can. However, she sometimes struggles to run in a straight line, moving around like a snake. Watching TV with her owners is also one of her favorite activities, along with eating wet food.

She adores being shown affection and finds pleasure in receiving gentle scratches and belly rubs.

We asked the owner if there were any special needs or care required for their cat, considering her medical history. They happily informed us that aside from a few precautions already mentioned, there isn’t much additional care needed on a daily basis. The cat behaves like any other feline and doesn’t seem to be affected by her missing limbs. She enjoys climbing onto furniture, including the couch, chairs, and bed, and even likes sleeping on Natalia’s head at night!

Mochi, the cute little pet, has just reached the age of 8 months, and her new owners can’t help but notice how much she looks like a delicious vanilla mochi ice cream ball.

Following the attention that Mochi’s story received online, we contacted Greg and Natalia to learn about their experience of owning this internet-famous cat. Greg shared that they take pleasure in sharing Mochi’s incredible tale as it serves as an inspiration to others. Despite enduring various setbacks such as a long flight from China, a two-month quarantine due to illness, and amputation of her limbs, Mochi remains unwavering and full of life. Her strength and resilience are truly remarkable, making her one of the most resilient cats around. Moreover, she maintains her sweet and affectionate nature even amidst all the challenges she has faced. The couple hopes that by sharing Mochi’s story, others can find a source of joy and positivity on days when they may be struggling.

Currently, she is doing great and is in good health. Nonetheless, her family should implement specific actions to ensure her well-being.

In conclusion, Greg stressed the significance of supporting rescue shelters and their valuable work, singling out MSPCA-Angell for providing exceptional care to Mochi. He urged everyone to offer their support to these organizations and consider adopting rescue pets or disabled animals. According to Greg, there are numerous exceptional and extraordinary animals that deserve a loving home and they hope that those who are thinking of getting a pet would choose to adopt a disabled animal. As an example, Mochi’s routine involves cleaning debris from the small portion of her ears that remain.

Challenges arise while attempting to create a straight line for her, as she tends to move in a slithering manner resembling a snake when she sidesteps.

In addition to that, she behaves like a typical cat, relishing in climbing on the couch, chairs, and sleeping spots.

Mochi employs her endearing meows and playful movements to encourage her humans to join in whenever she feels like having some fun.

Moreover, she loves hanging out with Natalia and Greg, binge-watching awesome TV shows together.

Greg and Natalia’s goal is to spread knowledge about the exceptional efforts made by rescue shelters like MSPCA-Angell, who provided excellent care and support for their beloved pet Mochi.

That’s why they chose to share the story of Mochi and promote adopting animals with disabilities.

Our beloved pets need some additional tender loving care, but the joy and devotion they give in return make it all worthwhile.

According to Greg, adopting Mochi has filled their lives with immense pleasure and affection.

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